
VitalWolves Prediction League

Image for VitalWolves Prediction League

Calling all Wolves fans, VitalWolves` new prediction league to see who can predict the most correct results and scorers for Wolves matches is here!

For example for the Chelsea game I might say:

4-1 to Wolves, Karl Henry (3) and Kevin Doyle.

The winner (if he wishes) will become next season`s official predictor for every game Wolves play.

All predictions must be commented inside the forum where the post will be put up for it or predictions will not be counted. The post for predictions will be put up two days before the match and will be closed on the day of the match at any time before kick off. I will put an article linking to the forum post.

The league table will be posted in its own thread which will be stickied in the VitalWolves forums.

Here is the scoring:

Correct result will give you three points. For every correct scorer you will receive a goal, but every incorrect goal scorer a goal against. So if Karl Henry were to score three in a match (as unlikely as it is) and you predicted that you would score three goals. If he doesn’t do as you predicted, three goals against.

ny questions just comment. Not quite sure about scoring system too, any suggestions?

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